1.SDK Manager
Android provides a free, downloadable software development kit (SDK) that helps you build your app.Included in the kit are developer tools, emulators, source code and samples. There are also tutorial videos,technical articles and instructions on app development. Use can use Google Play as a platform for distribution, but there may be a one-time fee.
2.Human Interface Guidelines
The Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) is a document that can be found on any platform you are building your app for. It helps you to tailor the User Interface for the specific device you app is intended for. Mutual Mobile created a document in 2011 specifically for Android app developers, known as “Android Design Guidelines.” The document emphasised the need for “constant collaboration between design and development” and designing the android app had to be “more than just removing the back button.”
3.Vector Formatting
Vector formatting is a useful tool for ensuring that your app fits on multiple devices. If your app is designed for a mobile phone, then simply scaling up your app to fit an iPad may not be attractive. Design your artwork in vector format while it is still in the creation stage.
4.Google Analytics
Once your app is created and out on the market, you naturally want feedback from users. You may have discovered there is a problem with the app, but how big of a problem is it? Google Analytics provides you with relevant statistics to track what percentage of users are affected by a particular problem you’ve discovered or identified.
Whenever you are creating something new, you need to know that it works. Creating a prototype is a useful way to showcase your work as well as determine feasibility. Some tools you can use to create prototypes are: Prototypes, Balsamiq and FieldTest. Keynote is also an option.
6.MIT App Inventor
Google created this tool in 2010 to allow anyone, regardless of experience, to create a mobile app. The program contains premade blocks of code that can be dragged and dropped by app developers. Using the MIT App Inventor, you don’t have to be a professional or tech geek to create an app.
7.Real Studio
Another tool for developers with limited experience is Real Studio. This app creation tool allows you to build standalone, native applications for Max OS X, Windows and Linux. The best thing about this tool is that there is little to no need for code.