Marketing Strategies For A Mobile Phone App

Best Marketing Strategies For Your Mobile App

Due to an incredibly high number of mobile phone apps in Google Play and App Store, marketers are faced with a tougher task of making their products worth the attention. Marketing ideas are slowly becoming depleted and developing an app from an unprecedented blueprint is virtually unfeasible. Moreover, users will only find an app useful for an average maximum of

Development Tools For Mobile Apps

5 Great Development Tools For Mobile Apps

The world of mobile apps is unbelievably fast-paced and being able to bring a great idea to market quickly and efficiently can mean the difference between a valuable competitive edge and a complete flop. No-code and low-code mobile app programming tools and platforms are capable of giving business users and developers that speed and effectiveness. Below are five great development

App Development Course

Everything You Need To Know Before Enrolling In A Mobile App Development Course

There are officially more smartphones than humans and they are multiplying five times faster than us, too! In fact, few other pieces of technology have made their mark on us like the mobile phone has: it is the fastest growing manmade object ever. Part of this rise in smartphones is due to the apps themselves. Today, with there being an

Mobile App Testing

Simple Tactics For Mobile App Testing

The app industry is a competitive world. If your app won’t perform, another one will, and users will find it! What follows that? Low ratings that will keep other potential users away, translating to lost business. To keep up with always-on customers, fierce competition and continuous update cycles, a constant approach to mobile application testing is not an option, but


7 Android Tools Every Mobile App Developer Must Know

1.SDK Manager Android provides a free, downloadable software development kit (SDK) that helps you build your app.Included in the kit are developer tools, emulators, source code and samples. There are also tutorial videos,technical articles and instructions on app development. Use can use Google Play as a platform for distribution, but there may be a one-time fee. 2.Human Interface Guidelines The

Students Practices in App Development

What are the Best Practices in Mobile App Development?

App development is high-risk and high-reward. The rewards are great, but the risks need to be managed. Search for Apps Like Your Idea There are roughly 1.3 million apps on iOS alone, and a lot more for Android and Windows Phones. With so many apps on the market, it is possible that someone has already had your idea. Search for

Trending Android Apps

Things to Consider Before you Build Your Mobile App

Monetization. How will the app benefit your bottom line? Broadly speaking, there are four routes that you could take to monetizing an app. They are: using the app to promote an existing business, using the app to collect data in hopes of future monetization, placing ads on an app, and/or selling the app. This decision will guide absolutely everything about

Tools For Devloping Android Apps

5 Developer Tools to Help you Build Apps

Ready to make your own app? Good news: programming in general, and app-making in particular, is much easier than it used to be. Many tools have been developed to help you turn your ideas into reality. Integrated Developer Environments. This might go without saying, but you need to compile code to make apps. You can both write and compile code

mobile app developers

What Skills Does an App Developer Need?

The increased demand for mobile devices means great job opportunities for professionals skilled in app production. Sales of smartphones outstripped PCs for the first time in 2011, when 488 million mobile devices were shipped, compared to 415 million PCs, according to a 2012 report by the research firm Canalys. As companies worldwide rush to make their web offerings compatible with
mobile application developer course

What should you know before taking the mobile application developer course?

8 Things to get you started at Cestar College. You must meet the admissions requirements. This includes the possession of high school diploma (Ontario Secondary School, grade 12 completion or its regional equivalent) or Mature Student Status (Being of 18 years or older). You must also complete and pass the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Admissions Test to assess your intelligence quotient